Ho Ho Ho! We at Borderland Sciences are offering a gift of the Fortean fantasticality of Vincent Gaddis, including Mysterious Fires and Lights (reg. $11.95), Native American Myths and Mysteries (reg. $12.95), and Gold Rush Ghosts (reg. $9.95) -- a complete set for just $15, more than 50% off our regular price. This Gaddis Borderlands book bundle covers the spectrum of the uncanny and weird: the electric and the etheric, the natural and the numinous, the lure of gold and the ghosts born of greed, the mysteries of old and new America, devilish light and enigmatic fire. A perfect gift for the curious and the callow! Sure to entertain and inspire both young and old!
Mysterious Fires and Lights (reg. $11.95) | Native American Myths and Mysteries (reg. $12.95) | Gold Rush Ghosts (reg. $9.95) |
Regularly $34.85 $15 for all 3 |
Available in limited quantity at this reduced price while supplies last. Not to your speed? Keep your eyes open for other seasonal science deals, rolling out regularly from now until the New Year.
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